Monday, November 15, 2010

Life Makes us Weird

So like everybody expects you to like fit into a category or something like we were all created to be eithe the nerd or the jock or the theater geek and the science braniac but we ain't and we don't. We are all individuals and unique in our own way.

I met this girl once, at first I would call her strange but now I proudly say she is weird and I like to think of myself just as weird as she is. But anywho she get jabbering about how being being weird is like a compliment because we are unique and stuff at first when she was calling people weird and what not I was like hey you don't know me and she was like "exactly I don't and no matter how you dress, wear your hair, or talk I could never really pinpoint you in a category because you are you unique" and I was like "err...Thanks i think" She was like "You are welcome and take it as a compliment"

I talked more with the girl and I think I finally understood her weird but wonderful and completely true knowledge we are all different and unique. We are all born and dating back to before we were conceived our lives started to shaped us into the individually weird folks that we are today and that continue to become of us. From the day oof our birth we experience different things learn from our parents or the people that helped us grow you know if you were lucky enough to have someone like that in your life and because of every little moment that happened to us we became well for the majority the wonderful people you see today and you know all those billionaires and high type celebrity folk well guess what they got theire by being themselves, just like you will too one day and that is by staying true to who you are and just be weird.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


You are now entering imagination creation.
Better known as my imagination.
Why would you want to do that, is what you might be asking yourself.
That's easy to explain.

My name is Zoe!
You don't need my age but lets just say I am old enough to still act young, if you catch my drift. ; )
I grew up in one of the, excuse me I mean the most amazing city of the world. That's right...New York City.

So I am definitely a proud New Yorker and for those of you who've never been, take the trip already...Its freakin' New York City!!!

This will and should be the only type introductory piece that you shall ever read on this site the rest will all be stories.

Fiction or non-fiction, well honey that is for me to know and you to spend your days guessing cause trust I will never tell.

You may like it, you may hate it, you may love it so much you quote it, shoot you may even dislike it so much you wanna bulge your eyes out.

Who knows my guess is you will love it and if thats the case write back, if you hate it or indifferent shoot lie to me and say you like it.

Till the next post I'm keeping it real with Zoe.