Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dream of the New Year blended with the Past

Before I begin I would like to say Happy New Year!

Today is the 5th day of the new year and last night I had the weirdest and real like dream.

I can't even explain it properly but here goes.

To preface the dream it was weird, some people were real and some I don't know where they came from.

I was in some kind of cafeteria/student center place sitting next to this guy and girl in the dream I knew them.
The guy was going on about changing his appearance to attract people and I was telling him you don't have to, there are plenty of people that like you (I had a friend in who definitely did). The girl next to me said her name and this other girl's that like him. I looked her like you knew and she was just like yeah.

Then we see my friend the one that likes the guy coming up the stairs that we were sitting at the top of with some more people that I really know in person. This is where the dream gets tricky or weird sort of speak.

I am sitting/kneeling on the platform of more stairs below me and 3 little steps below. I stand up on my knees to hug my friend who has this crush and then above me appears a lot of my friends and peers from undergrad. I end up hugging one girl that I haven't seen since graduation and behind her I see a few old crushes from college standing there together and then me and her while hugging roll down the 3 steps to the next platform.

After our embrace I end up sitting at this 4 person table with nobody in a crowded cafeteria and then I make eye contact with this guy sitting at this countered top stool seated area in the corner and I realize it is this guy I went to high school with.

He noticed me and then I think of my next door neighbor wondering why she isn't there and then I wake up to the sound of my alarm.

Have no clue what that dream meant and not really sure where I really was. The place was sort of a mesh of a lot of places I went and the people I ran into were as well.

It was time for a post and luckily I had a strange dream to start the year off.
I wonder if this is the tone for the new year a future filled with past encounters or strange happenings and new places.

Again as I mentioned it is only day 5 but I hope to keep you posted in the future.